Stewardship Campaign


September 2024

Dear Beloved Members of Christ Church Macon,

Grace and peace be with you as we prepare to embark on a momentous year—a year that holds wonderful promise and the celebration of our church’s 200-year journey. As we step into 2025, we find ourselves at the intersection of gratitude, stewardship, and legacy.

Our acts of generosity—whether through financial offerings, time, or talents—become the bedrock upon which our faith stands. When we give, we participate in God’s redemptive work, and our hearts align with His eternal purpose for us. Our giving isn’t merely about meeting budgetary needs or maintaining our beautiful sanctuary. It’s about investing in something far greater—the spiritual growth of our community, the outreach that touches lives beyond our walls, and the seeds we sow for generations to come. Each dollar given, each hour volunteered, each prayer whispered—we weave them into the fabric of eternity.

Two centuries ago, our forebears laid the cornerstones of Christ Church. They were visionaries and faithful stewards. They planted seeds that have blossomed into the vibrant community we cherish today. As we celebrate our bicentennial, we honor their legacy—the sacrifices they made, the prayers they offered, and the love they shared. And it isn’t just about looking back; it’s about looking forward. What legacy will we leave for those who follow us? How will our giving shape the next 200 years? Let us be intentional in our stewardship, knowing that our actions ripple through time. As we pledge our financial commitments for 2025, let’s remember that we’re not merely funding programs; we’re investing in souls.

We ask for prayerful reflection on your generosity. Take time to reflect on your own journey of faith. Consider how God has blessed you and how you can bless others in return, understanding that giving begets the cycle of receiving that allows for a flourishing community. Pray for guidance as you discern your commitment to put your generosity into action and find joy in the giving. Let the significance of our Bicentennial be an opening in your heart and in its honor, consider this year making a special pledge—a legacy offering—that will impact future generations. Let’s dream big together. May our giving be a symphony of gratitude, echoing across time and space. May our legacy be one of love, woven into the eternal tapestry of God’s grace.

With heartfelt blessings,

Chris Hair
Stewardship Chairman

The Rev. Cynthia C. Knapp